GCSN 2018 - Timisoara, Romania

Serving one Another

Student Global Christian Schools Network Romania Mission

Keynote Speakers

Liviu Căprar

Liviu Căprar, M.Ed., teacher and pastor, graduated from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics (1985) and the Baptist Theological Faculty (1999). During communist times, he struggled against marginalisation of Christians. Later became founder and Director of Logos Baptist High School, Bucharest (1990). After that, church pastor for fifteen years, now also a part-time Religion teacher at Logos.

He received the Master of Science in Education degree in 2009 with the CAIRN (Philadelphia Biblical) University through their program based in Kandern, Germany. Frequently involved with Romanian Department of Education in curriculum development and written subjects for teacher’s national exams, as well as by sustaining plenary sessions and seminars at teacher’s conferences alongside Romania and abroad. He currently serves the Association of Christians Schools International (ACSI) as an Educational consultant for Romania, and the European Educators’ Christian Association (EurECA) as the Executive secretary.

He is married to Ema, who is also a Physics teacher, and together have two daughters, Mădălina-Simona (25) and Dorothea-Oana (13).

László Demeter

László Demeter is Europe Regional Director for the Association of Christian Schools International, headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. He is passionate about the ministry opportunities that Christian school education offers today in reaching the next generation for Christ.

László was raised in a Christian home under Communism in Hungary. His family experienced firsthand what it meant to be a Christian in a Communist country. László graduated with MS in Engineering from Budapest Technical University in 1988. While he was working as an engineer, he was offered a part-time teaching job at the university. With the political changes in 1989, the door opened up for him to take a teaching position at a high school in Budapest. He went back to study at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and graduated in 1995 with MA in EFL. In 1995 he was invited to serve with the newly opened office of ACSI in Budapest, to help organize its services to the newly opening Christian schools across Eastern Europe. He then studied Christian education at Philadelphia Biblical University, and graduated with MEd degree in 2006.

László is currently working on his PhD degree in Christian school leadership at Columbia International University. After serving as an Educational Consultant and Associate Director for ACSI Europe for several years, László was appointed as Regional Director for ACSI Europe in 2011. Laszló has taught on numerous topics of Christian education at national and international conferences for students, teachers, and administrators as well. László and Rita are blessed with six children, who provide unlimited educational anecdotes for his teachings.

Matthew Hillier

Matthew Hillier attended Pacific Hills Christian School, and in Year 7 at age 13, believed that God had called him to send material resources to the persecuted Christians in Eastern Europe. Since then, which was in 1988, the ministry called, ‘Christian Mission International (CMIAid)’ has continued and expanded greatly with literally hundreds of volunteers supporting this ministry. This ministry is now operating in several Eastern European countries and includes ministry in towns and villages, with orphans and schools, and with meetings and literature distributions to the police, armed services and prisoners in several countries. CMIAid also conducts short term mission trips which have been a wonderful avenue for promoting the Christian Gospel and encouraging people to serve.

In 2011 Matthew was married to Ruth whose family has been involved for many years in the Armenia Gospel ministry. Matthew is a very fine public speaker who speaks with authority and persuasiveness as he seeks not his own benefit, but the blessing to others. Matthew Hillier’s life work is an inspiration and a challenge to many people from different parts of the world, and is an example which many more can follow with great blessing.